Testimonials and Case Studies

Our Clients 

100 Cases of Reversal

We co-published a paper in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease and Parkinsonism in 2018 with Professor Dale Bredesen and USA practitioners documenting the reversal of cognitive decline in 100 participants.

We are the only practitioners outside of the USA in this publication which includes 10 of our coaching clients from New Zealand and Australia. Details of the case studies can be found on the paper below:

Read the Paper of 100 Case Studies of Reversal here: https://www.omicsonline.org/open-access/reversal-of-cognitive-decline-100-patients-2161-0460-1000450.pdf

Please note: everyone's result is individual and these are anecdotal case studies and are not in any way a guarantee, claim or promise that your experience will be the same, nor do we claim these protocols or our services to be suitable for any particular individual or group.

Further research is needed. Large scale random double blind placebo studies have yet to take place; it is our hope that within the next 5-10 years we may see progress on a trial of this nature. A small ethical board approved study on the Bredesen Protocol has commence in the USA and results are anticipated in 2021. See disclaimer at the bottom of the page.


Our clients are sharing their stories in order to help others 

Sue - Age 58

 Type 3 - Toxic |  MCI

Bill - Age 72

Type 1.5 - Glycotoxic | ApoE 4/4 | Alzheimer's

Roy - Age 77

Type 2 - Atrophic | ApoE 4/3 | Alzheimer's

Vicki - Age 58

Type 3 - Toxic |  ApoE 3/3  |  Early Onset Alzheimer's

What Our Clients Say

SB - Son of Client -  Australia

Male | 75 Years | 3 months on our Program

Australia's first Bredesen Protocol Participant, March 2016

Since Dad has been on the program he’s lost over 10kgs and looks really fit but the physical change, while impressive at 75, is not the big difference.

For his family, one difference is that he initiates conversations about interesting topics rather than dragging out old anecdotes.

Over the last few years in social situations he would get frustrated, close down, demand everyone slow down (we all talk fast and at once when together), lose his temper, complain he’s being excluded or just get up and walk away.

Now, rather than avoiding what could be a daunting experience, he’s happily participating, debating current events and joking along.

A streak of negativity and anxiety has been replaced by a positive openness and engagement that I / we have not experienced in a decade.

Willingness to experience new things is the new normal after years of convenient, localised and safe routine activities which had been contracting into increasingly smaller circles around him.

With an increase in confidence he’s also able to make mistakes without reacting by getting angry, finding fault or withdrawing.

Everyone is amazed and asks, “Wow, what’s the Old Man on?!''

JL - Client - Australia

Female | 61 Years | 12 months on our Program

Type 3 - Mould/Mycotoxins and Mercury

Thanks to your work, I now feel like I am on track to recovery. I know I still have a long way to go but at least I can manage my life again which is a great relief.

I have followed “alternative” health regimes most of my life, swimming against the tide with both my doctors and family. So having the support of medical practitioners such as you and Dale has saved my life. 

I was able to resist heaps of negative feedback that ranged from “you’re ok- stop being a hypochondriac” to “alternative medicine is a load of rubbish – you’re wasting your money”.

can never thank you enough for pulling me out of the steep cognitive decline I was falling into – just in time. You are the only person who could have done it for me. You have exposed me to so many things that I have never heard of and I’ve learnt so much.

I am deeply grateful for all your work, help and support.

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